Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) brings out the scope, complexity, and peculiarities of your data. EDA is the initial step of identifying patterns and trends, spotting outliers and anomalies, and evaluating the data quality.
EDA is a critical step for further analysis, data cleaning, feature engineering, and modeling. Depending on the complexity of data and the availability of new data, EDA can be an ongoing process. In our experience, EDA reveals qualitative results after the data has already been prepared/preprocessed. Our techniques include the generation of descriptive statistics, visual representations, tests, and, in some cases, even the exploration of new features that are generated from raw data.
It is important to mention that domain knowledge is important for the analysis. In this context, we like to communicate regularly during the analysis to share the findings, refine the analysis, and achieve the results you desire.
This service is suitable for businesses that collect data and want to understand different behaviors, optimize strategies, detect potential anomalies, use data insights, and make informed business decisions.